
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rick D'Loss, Gutter Snipe

Many people have asked was I really thrown out of the Social Democrats, USA.  Was I fired, dismissed, or otherwise removed as director? 
Rick, D'Loss can write all manner of calumny about me. Unfortunately for him, I have the original emails. I have posted this on the Social Democrats USA ( Zionist/ Leninist) website 6 times and 6 times it has disappeared. If Rick is sure he is right, let's debate. I have suggested his home town, Carnegie, PA, where he is the president of city council, in Shul where he is president. Rick is a former Marine surely he can debate a Tranny with the battle terrain all to his advantage. Rick will say he has no time. How does he have time to attack me all over the web then? Please write to Rick at http://www.socialdemocrats.or and urge him to debate me. If he has no time to debate perhaps he would prefer shoe shopping. I really do not want to publish the emails that show Rick and his group of self elected officers were off their "meds" when they stopped paying dues and then expelled all 28 people who kept paying dues. In order to testify before various federal and state courts and grand juries I need my honour intact. So I will give Rick 10 days. then I start publishing the emails. 

You now have more posts about me than anything else, like unions, the international monetary collapse etc. Now in 1989, I legally changed my name to Gabriel McCloskey Ross. You keep saying Gabe to keep people from finding what I wrote, like the principles that your rump caucus have plagiarised. Why not settle this as adults. I purpose an Oxford style debate at Congregation Ahavath Achim Shul where you are president. It is in the district you represent as one of three city council people. Most importantly it is your home town. I have only two stipulations. First, that as per the Oxford rules attendees divide at the end to illustrate who won in their opinion. Second, the entire debate is recorded on video and audio. Please pick a time and day. Let’s settle who is the real SD,USA or SDUSA as you phrased it.


Dr. Katherine Anne McCloskey

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