
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Who Is The SDUSA

Rick D'Loss told the New York Times that he spoke for the Social Democrat USA. This is likely true. It has less than 5 dues paying members. Rick is deliberately confabulated his own SDUSA with the SD,USA which was founded in 1972. The original website is mirrored here :

Our group is hardly a mass movement with 27 members. We remain standing despite even the FBI.

I would rather let the SDUSA folks speak for themselves.

Rick D'Loss January  8 , 2010


There is no record that a Convention ever took place.  There is no record of our Constitution being approved.  There is no record of any resolutions being passed.  There is no record of the inspiring speech that was made to us by Ernie Erber.  So, unfortunately, all the flowery talk of our Constitution is vaporous.  There is no record of the officers being elected, and there is no record of the Director being appointed, there is no record of Johnstown being selected as the site of the national office.  After the convention was concluded, the officers asked regularly and repeatedly, when would the National Office post a convention report on our website?  As you can see by looking at our site even now (eight months later), it never happened.  While this was certainly frustrating, it was nothing compared to our shock when the very first convention summary was seen in an email from Gabe to David McReynolds!  Folks, we have been trying to get our act together for the past 12 months.  Unfortunately, it is no more together now than it was last January.

And what about our Constitution?  Will it force people to cooperate?  Will the Constitution force people to communicate in a civil manner?  Will it force comrades to behave like comrades?  When we have to point to the Constitution, or call the law, isn't it a sign that we've already failed?  If there is a lack of democracy, will a constitution fix it?  Words on paper are simply that, words on paper.  What matters is how people behave.  People have to have an earnest interest in working together to solve problems.  And Social Democrats need to be social.  Members whose only interest is creating factions, continually fomenting conflicts, throwing rocks at each other, really should go join the CP, because Communists live to fight.  Here in the SDUSA we should be demonstrating how socialism works, not how it fails to work.

Gabe says that the officers cannot overturn the constitution (that we don't have).  He says we can't overturn rulings by the NEC.  I ask you the members, "can you name the NEC members?"  No you can not, because we don't actually have an NEC.  What we have are the officers, an Executive Director, a chairman of the youth group, and the occasional member who wants to join in the deliberations.  That's it.  That's who is running your SDUSA.  We are the NEC.  And I would expect that you want this group to make decisions in the best interest of the members.

Gabe says that we officers have disdain for democracy.  But the SDUSA NEC voted August 30, 2009, to give Craig Miller responsibility for maintenance of the SDUSA web site.  The vote was 4 to 1.  Gabe cannot claim ignorance of this, as he was strongly opposed to this motion and was the lone dissenting vote.  As a fierce proponent of democracy, what should the lone dissenter do?  He should accept the will of the group and assist in implementing the change.  That was 4 and a half months ago, and you all know where we are with the website controversy.

The officers have stated what actions we believe are needed to move forward.  More words on paper will not make any difference.

In peace and solidarity,

So according to Rick, he realise two months after his dues lapsed that what group needed were real officers and he would appoint them from among a group of people whose dues had also lapsed. Those who continued to pay dues had no say in the matter.

Then Rick accuses someone, I guess me, of not allowing Rabbi Craig Miller, a non-member complete access to the SD,USA-SP,USA website. Yet at Rabbi Miller's site onto he has downloaded large portions of the original site.

Of all caumny these people have spread, this is my favourite.
 The first of which is that in December of 2009 a schism occurred within the Social Democrats USA and Gabe Ross the executive director of the SD USA was fired from his position by the organization’s  full National Executive Committee. The division that occurred between the NEC and its executive director was due to an increasing tendency by Mr Ross to use methods  of slander and the demonization of   board members who disagreed with him over often minor political issues. That behavior when combined with Mr. Ross’s often deliberate refusals to implement NEC decisions and his unilateral expulsions of NEC members made his continuation in his post of Executive Director an impossibility. Unfortunately since Gabe Ross controlled the SD USA web site, the NEC leadership  had to develop an alternative web site called “Social Democracy for the 21th Century.” Unfortunately this new web site due at least partially from legal harassment from Mr. Ross  is still not up and running. Hopefully that will change soon. This does not  mean that most of the statements on social democratic political strategy, tactics and writings on the old Gabe Ross controlled site do not represent much of the thinking of the legitimate SD USA.

Glenn King, 2010

An organisation with 29 members had a schism? We are one person short of enough people to play a rugby match and we had a schism? People start and stop paying dues all the time. Every voluntary membership experiences the same thing. However, the real joke is that anyone was "fired". Seamus and I paid about half the bills.  So we were fired by not being allowed to pay the bills?

There three blogs that have been particularly viscous going after Seamus and myself.  First, there is the anti-transgender site GenderTrender. The second, is the openly neo-fascist Strom  The Third and final group is Socialist Currents, Rick D'Loss' group. Rick even links to anti-transgender site GenderTrender.  If truly one is known by her enemies as much as by her friends, I feel very comfortable. I deliberately did not provide urls. Anyone who wants find any of these hate sites can do it without my help.

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